As seen on the ABC New Inventors Programme 10 September 2008 : Episode 32, 2008
Rainmax On The New Inventors


There are two problems facing everyone wanting to use rainwater from their roof. It's difficult to catch all the water and you have to install new and sometimes very expensive plumbing to get the water into the house. Most rain water tanks only have one down pipe from the roof supplying rain water to the tank (only 20-25% of the roof area). Rain water quality is also a major issue for most tank owners.

The Rainmax is a two-part solution firstly consisting of a system called the RAINIQ, a system that allows you to catch the whole of your roof area via an innovative control system which allows you to select the amount of time to dispose of the initial contaminated rainwater from your roof and guttering (first flush) and then collect all of the roof water using the existing guttering.

The second part of the Rainmax system, called H2DUO, is an automated system which uses the existing plumbing, allowing you to pump the water through to your bathrooms, toilets and laundry (whole of house). The system switches to mains water if the tank water runs out and a series of valves prevents town water and tank water from mixing. H2DUO also enables you to install an additional line to your kitchen, to maintain drinking and cooking water from the mains system. It also enables you to install an external tap for garden and external purposes which will only work if there is water in your tank. H2DUO- tank water without the extensive plumbing.

Click on the adjacent logos to gain more info on the RAINIQ and the H2DUO systems The RAINIQ and the H2DUO systems will be manufactured and distributed by Everhard Industries Pty Ltd.


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